June 15th, 2024

Wellness Retreat

Date: June 15th, 2024

Address: 1125 Mountaindale Rd, Wurstboro, NY, 12790


10:00am-10:30am : Introduction

10:30am-11:15am - Movement Foundations w/Andrew

11:15am -11:30am - Break

11:30am-12:15pm - Yoga w/ Fiona

12:15pm -1:00pm - Lunch

1:00pm-2:45pm - Guided Hike + Tai Chi

2:45pm -3:00pm : Break

3:00-3:45 - Yoga w/ Franklin

3:45pm-4:00pm : Closing Fire Circle


*This will be an outdoor event so please bring appropriate clothing. In addition, please bring your own yoga mats and towels. The guided hike will be mostly flat and walked at a leisurely pace. I will be catering lunch at my favorite local vegan restaurant which is included in the registration cost. Cellular connection is not great and there isn’t any reliable wifi available. Parking will not be an issue.

Fiona Jalinoos is a certified Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist with over 30 years of personal practice in various styles of yoga worldwide. She uses movement, breath and meditation to help people manage their physical and mental health. Fiona teaches regular and therapeutic group classes and works one-on-one with clients. Visit https://fionajalinoosyoga.com/ to learn more.

Franklin is a certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher whose classes are gentle to moderate, breath-based, and meditative by nature.  Practitioners are encouraged to trust their intuition and enjoy that in movement we cultivate stillness and in that stillness we are able to develop patient, compassionate, non-judging self awareness. 



Cost: $175

*send email and I will take care of the payment once confirmed